Company C-PHARM d.o.o. was founded on 15.12.2005. The main activity was consulting, ie. preparation of companies for certification in quality systems according to ISO 9001, ISO14001 and ISO 22000 (HACCP) standards. As of 01.02.2011. the company started , alongside consulting, production of laboratory in vitro diagnostics, auxiliary diagnostic tools and representation of foreign companies.
Today, the company’s core business is the production of ready to use culture media. Production is conducted according to the principles of good manufacturing practice (GMP). As part of the production, we do research and development of innovative products, all within the framework of market research and customer demand.
We offer a wide range of microbial nutrients, including:
- culture media for water control
- culture media for clinical trials
- culture media for the pharmaceutical industry
- culture media for the food industry
We provide our customers with a high quality product, which is achieved by automated and fully sterile production and continuous monitoring of the quality parameters of microbial media (color, volume, consistency, sterility, selectivity, productivity, water loss, sustainability). What makes us unique is the implementation of a high level of technology, which is the latest trend in automatic manufacturing. We produce over 250 different culture media, which are registered with the Agency for medicinal products and medical devices of Croatia (HALMED). Company obtaines manufacturing licence for medicinal products (Ur. br.: 381-13-07/183-17-08) as well as licence for wholesale of medical devices ( 381-13-07/183-20-05).